Description of algorithm
Full domain
  Ice concntr, edge pos
  Contingency tables
American sector
European sector
Asian sector
GODAE regions

Validation of sea ice edge, concentration - Full domain

Bulletin date: 2016-10-13


Data source: OSI SAF N.H. sea ice concentration

Sea ice concentration

Mean absolute difference

RMS difference

Sea ice edge length, position

Sea ice edge length

Sea ice edge position bias

Mean absolute difference

RMS difference

Integrated ice edge error (IIEE)

Area metric (original)

Distance (length) derivative

Distance bias

Relative distance metrics [IIEE/IE]

Score w/ obs. reference

Score w/ model reference

Sea ice concentration IIEE areas, 2016-10-12

Best estimate vs. observations

IIEE over- and underestimated regions are shaded

Sea ice edge position map, 2016-10-12

Edge nodes from observations in blue, from model best estimate in black

Sea ice concentration IIEE areas, 2016-10-19

Best estimate vs. observations

IIEE over- and underestimated regions are shaded

Forecast vs. observations

IIEE over- and underestimated regions are shaded

Persistence vs. observations

IIEE over- and underestimated regions are shaded

Sea ice edge position map, 2016-10-19

Edge nodes from observations in blue, from persistence in brown, from model best estimate in black, from model forecast in grey

Generated by /metno/routine/sms/V2/xSIvalidation/ on. 30. mai 23:11:28 +0000 2018 on arcmfcval

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