Copernicus Marine ARC-MFC Ocean Forecast and Analysis products
The Copernicus Marine Arctic Monitoring and Forecasting Center (ARC-MFC) delivers ocean forecast and analysis data produced by a coupled numerical ocean-ice model with data assimilation.
From MyOcean V2, the nominal product line is based on the TOPAZ4 data assimilation system, developed by NERSC and run operationally at It produces daily mean physical (temperature, salinity, currents, water level and sea ice fields) and biogeochemical (nutrients, algae, primary production) fields of the Arctic Ocean, with a weekly assimilation cycle and daily updated 10-day forecasts.
In Copernicus Marine Service, the model was upgraded to TOPAZ5 in November 2023.
ARC MFC metadata and data can be accessed via the Copernicus Marine Online Catalogue: User authentication
required (Look for the Registration form)