Regions with validation results from Copernicus Marine ARC-MFC
Full domain
Validation products:
- Sea surface temperature vs. data from drifting buoys
- Sea surface temperature vs. satellite data
- T, S profiles vs. data from ARGO profiling buoys
- Sea ice concentration vs. OSI SAF data
- Sea ice drift vs. SAR data
- Sea ice type vs. OSI SAF data
- Sea ice thickness vs. SMOS data
- Sea ice thickness vs. CryoSat data
South domain
Validation product:
- Sea level anomalies vs. JASON-2 data
Nordic Seas
Validation products:
- Sea surface temperature vs. data from drifting buoys
- Sea surface temperature vs. satellite data
- T, S profiles vs. data from ARGO profiling buoys
Nordic Seas south
Validation product:
- Sea level anomalies vs. JASON-2 data
Barents Sea
Validation products:
- Sea surface temperature vs. data from drifting buoys
- Sea surface temperature vs. satellite data
Arctic Svalbard
Validation products:
- Sea ice concentration vs. ice chart data
- Ice edge position vs. ice chart data
Arctic sectors
Note that this is a composite of three separate, non-overlapping regions:
- 65°W - 55°E (green sector)
- 55°E - 175°E (blue sector)
- 175°E - 65°W (red sector)
Validation product:
- Sea ice concentration vs. OSI SAF data
- Sea ice drift vs. SAR data
- Sea ice type vs. OSI SAF data
Atlantic sector
Validation product:
- Chlorophyll a
GODAE regions
- Arctic Deep Basin
- Queen Elisabeth Islands
- Beaufort Sea
- Chuckchi Sea
- Siberian Sea
- Laptev Sea
- Kara Sea
- Barents Sea
- Greenland Basin
- Southeast Greenland
- Baffin Bay
- Hudson Bay
- Labrador Sea
Validation product:
- Sea ice concentration vs. OSI SAF data