CMEMS Arctic MFC: Validation of GLO-NEMO sea surface temperature
Multi-model approach
Here, we present validation results from CMEMS global ocean circulation model, in order to provide product quality information that is supplementary to the results from CMEMS-ARC. Processing and computation of metrics are performed identically to the implementation for the ARC product, from which validation results are presented from this page (lower table of dates).
Validation based on data from satellites
Validation of the CMEMS Global MFC results for sea surface temperature is performed using data from the AVHRR instrument (which flies on the Metop-A satellite). We have processed the validation using AVHRR data for all bulletins since January 2016.
Anomaly correlations are computed using a monthly climatology as reference. The climatology was set to the monthly averages of the OSTIA product (CMEMS product SST_GLO_SST_L4_REP_OBSERVATIONS_010_011), from the period 1985-2007.
Satellite data are available from IFREMER-Coriolis (password requested, access restrictions apply) who is partner in the CMEMS OSI TAC.
The ocean circulation model used in CMEMS's Arctic MFC covers the Arctic Ocean, the North Atlantic Ocean and adjacent ocean regions. The northern part is depicted in the figure below. Validation of sea surface temperature from model results is performed for three domains:
- an extended domain indicated by the blue, green and red regions in the figure
- the Nordic Seas, shown as the green region
- the Barents Sea, depicted in red

The model results are produced with the NEMO
assimilative ocean model system (CMEMS product
GLOBAL_ANALYSIS_FORECAST_PHY_001_024 from 2016-10-27,
and the now deprecated GLOBAL_ANALYSIS_FORECAST_PHYS_001_002 for validations before 2016-10-27).
Presently, NEMO assimilates data for sea surface temperature, sea level anomalies, temperature
and salinity profiles, and sea ice concentration.
The ocean circulation model product is
developed and maintained by Mercator Ocean.
NEMO results are freely available for registered CMEMS users from